Saturday 30 March 2013

Richard Dawkins - The Greatest Show on Earth: The Evidence for Evolution

I bought The Greatest Show on Earth the other day on the advice of a guy working in the bookstore, and I quite enjoyed it. I have very little to say about it, however, largely because while it was interesting I didn't find anything terribly controversial that I would want to highlight or disagree with.

Dawkins does an excellent job of outlining the way in which evolution works and why it is the logical answer for how life developed. He also effectively debunks the idea of creationism (not that it really needed any more debunking). One of the most interesting things about the book was how Dawkins pointed out that the creationist argument about "missing links" in the fossil record was faulty not just because there aren't nearly as many missing links as creationists would like to believe but also because the evidence for evolution would be overwhelming even if no fossils had ever been recovered. He also points out that this is a side to the argument that creationists avoid, hammering away instead at the fact that there is not a complete fossil record.

The Greatest Show on Earth was an incredibly interesting read, and I would recommend it not just to those who question the validity of evolution but also those who know that evolution is a fact but need more resources to effectively argue their case.

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